



当我们准备迎接温暖的天气和冬天的解冻, I am reminded of the 2021-22 school year and the “dethawing” that was necessary from our 教师, 工作人员 and 学生 to return to normal social practices after spending two years in a “COVID freeze.”

The “dethawing” was a methodical and careful process led by our leadership which resulted in—among many other things—our community’s safety and our ability to host in-person events. I enjoyed getting back to my favorite signature Solebury events that I had missed for what seemed like at times an eternity. We honored the senior class at their annual dinner event with the 校董会, 庆祝旅行的回归 环游世界:冒险之夜 拍卖打破了该活动的筹款记录, 欢迎校友们回到索伯里参加2022年的团聚周末. I am forever grateful for the unwavering efforts of our community which helped us thrive in a unique time to Solebury’s history. 

2021-22学年有一个共同的主题:变化. 在过去的一年里,我们的经营方式发生了变化, 教师和员工的变化, 改变了我们校园的外观. 你可能想知道为什么会有这么大的变化? 这一变化的一部分是恢复了上述大流行前的做法, which felt very different for 学生 who have only known Solebury in pandemic times. But the answer also lies in our strategic 成长th and the goals we are striving to reach. These changes (while sometimes uncomfortable) will help 韦德娱乐app下载地址 soar to new heights. 未来是非常光明的!     

Nothing lasts forever–sadly not even the careers of some of our most outstanding 教师 and 工作人员. 在2021-22学年结束时,我们不得不和一些最优秀的学生说再见. Cinnie Wappel, 我们英语作为第二语言项目的长期主任, decided it was time to begin a new life chapter and entered into retirement after dedicating 30 years to 韦德娱乐app下载地址. Sadly (for 韦德娱乐app下载地址) Cinnie wasn’t the only one to retire; she was joined by Annette Miller. 作为学生主任, Annette impacted generations of Soleburians by providing her infinite guidance and wisdom to thousands. 除了她的学生, Annette was also always more than happy to assist her colleagues in any way she could. Joining Cinnie and Annette in retirement was long-time 教师 member Diane Downs, P'03 '08 '09. 在那一刻,许多集体智慧和历史离开了索莱伯里. I, 还有索莱伯里社区, miss them already but am comforted knowing that they are enjoying the next chapter of their lives. 

将近40年,赢了500多场, 男子篮球教练(韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的传奇人物)克利夫·克里斯蒂退役. I’m a huge believer in the power of sport and the vehicle it can be to teach life lessons. 在我形成这个信念的过程中,没有人比克利夫发挥的作用更大. 他在索利伯里学校的辉煌生涯, 他赢得了许多胜利和荣誉, 但没有什么比他帮助培养的年轻人更让我印象深刻了. 在他的职业生涯中, 克里斯蒂教练99%的球员都上了四年制大学, 有些人是玩家,但所有人都是专注的学习者. 这说明了一切. 我知道我代表的是我们现在和过去的教职员工, 学生, 父母, 校友和校友家长当我说(尽可能强调), 谢谢教练!”       

当我报道希望大厅的建设时,变革的主题仍然存在, 自2007年以来,我们在校园的第一个新建筑, 从2021-22年度末开始. This residence hall will serve as a 32-bed/four apartment living space and is on track to open in fall 2023. 这个新大厅, 与我们的其他努力相结合, puts us in a great position to surpass our previous highmark in boarding student enrollment of 131. 真正令人兴奋的是这个宿舍延续了索伯里的承诺 可持续性 and is being constructed to Passive House standards, designed to be as energy efficient as possible. Our design was recently certified by Phius as being in compliance with Passive House requirements and, 当完成, Hope Hall will be among the first residence halls in Pennsylvania to be certified as a Passive House structure. Also aligning with our vision of 成长th and 可持续性 is our soon to be completed membrane bioreactor water treatment plant. 采用膜生物反应器技术, the new wastewater treatment plant will support Solebury’s future 成长th in addition to being incorporated into our science curriculum. 

从筹款的角度来看,2021-22学年尤其引人注目. 正如你在阅读这份年度报告时所了解的那样, 这次拍卖创下了拍卖史上的最高纪录, 总共超过262美元,000. 当晚最动人的时刻是活动的特别呼吁, 我们的社区聚集在一起,承诺了170多美元,为支持我们的 塑造Solebury 资本运动. 韦德娱乐app下载地址基金, 哪些支持我们的运营预算, 也有一个历史性的一年, 超过487美元,000. A large reason we were able to achieve this high level of success is due to our annual giving day, # LoveSolebury. 2021年12月8日, 我们筹集了超过147美元,从302位慷慨的捐赠者中捐赠了000英镑,以支持索伯里基金. 一整天, seven challenges and 10 matches were completed which helped inspire donors to participate and maximize the impact of their gift. 我们得到的支持让我们感到谦卑,这是对你们的见证, 韦德娱乐app下载地址社区, 是谁让我们在这里所做的一切成为可能. 当你梳理这份报告并回顾我们的进展时, 请把它放在最重要的位置, 以及其他的支持者, 是实现我们的目标所必需的吗. 

So, while I can never thank our community adequately enough to represent my immense gratitude, 我将试着. Thank you for all that you do to make and keep 韦德娱乐app下载地址 the one-of-a-kind vibrant learning experience that is inclusive and welcoming to all who seek it. 

The corner of Phillips Mill and School Lane is truly a wonderful place that I am fortunate enough to call home. 我很高兴能分享我们学生的成就, 教师, and 工作人员 while having the opportunity to build relationships that will last a lifetime. 我是多么幸运啊? 

